The Green Valley Estate (GVE) is a public-private partnership residential estate development project in the heart of the Anambra State capital, Awka. It is the first smart estate in Anambra State powered by the Anambra State Housing Development Corporation (ASHDC) with the aim to fulfil its mission of improving housing conditions within the state.

Website | Application Development

From content creation, UI/UX design and development, we built the website and application for the estate tastefully and functional. Both developments are still in progress, as they are ongoing projects continuously developed at various phases of the estate’s development and management. Key features include ability to sell and purchase land and property directly from web and mobile app, landowner’s dashboard to view and manage various processes, track building progress, make payments, and more as time progresses.

Brand Identity Development & Design

Crafted a comprehensive brand identity strategy and visually striking design for GVE, a visionary smart estate, combining innovation and aesthetics to establish a distinctive and compelling brand presence.

Marketing Materials | Printing

To set the marketing team on their path to customer acquisition, we designed and printed various marketing materials and souvenirs, including fliers, brochures, t-shirts, face caps, notebooks, pens, rollup banners, billboard ads, safety jackets, hardhats etc.

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