WokeNationTV is an independent digital media and content publishing company that aims to promote thought-provoking views on politics, government, and current events, as well as championing Afrocentric content with the goal of inspiring a new way of thinking and acting in building the Africa of tomorrow.


Brand Identity Development & Design

Empowered WokeNation TV with a meticulously tailored brand identity strategy and design, seamlessly reflecting the depth and vibrancy of African heritage, culture, and values within a contemporary media publishing framework.


Website Development & Management and SEO

With an average of 45k quarterly website visitors/page views, 12k average monthly visits, 7.2k continuous 30-day active visitors, over 1k monthly organic visitors and 25.5k average monthly link clicks in the first year of existence, our website and SEO management proved effective. We also monetized website within same period via Google AdSense, raking in $471 in 6 months.


Social Media Management

We elevated WokeNation TV’s online influence through strategic social media management, driving an impressive organic follower surge of 50,000 within the inaugural year, fostering a dynamic digital community around the celebration of Africa’s diverse history, values and culture.

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